There are plenty of unique and diverse landscapes from skyscrapers (Nishi-Shinjuku) to green residential area (Ochiai, Naitomachi), one of the largest shopping/bustling area in the world (Kabukichou), business area around the station (Shinjuku East Exit, West Exit, South Exit), refined shopping streets in the area (Araki- Machi etc), alleyways you can feel the history of Edo period (Kagurazaka), streets full of Asia’s exotic atmosphere (Oukubo) etc.
It is certified in Guinness world record, as world’s first in number of passengers with an average of 3.47 million passengers per day pass through the station. Even more surprising is that up to 23rd position, all stations are in Japan. It is just finally Paris is in 24th, and Taipei is in 25th. It is clear that the number of train station users in Japan is incomparable in the world.

*Graph Shinjuku City 2017:City Administration Information Division, General Policy Department,Shinjuku City
Shinjuku is home to the highest population of foreigners in Tokyo.
“Shinjuku-Okubo” is the top in most visited area which accounts for 57.7%.

*Graph Shinjuku City 2017:City Administration Information Division, General Policy Department,Shinjuku City
Shibuya ward is around new South Exit area, where Takashiyama Shinjuku is located.
In the area, human bones and Jomon pottery 4000 years ago have been discovered together.
“Shinjuku” is the largest movie city in Japan, including mini theaters.
Currently, there are six mini theaters in addition to three cinema complexes around Shinjuku Station.
In the year 2022, a new cinema complex will be opened in the area where “Shinjuku Milano-za (Shinjuku TOKYU MILANO)” was located.
About 10 minutes far from Shinjuku Station, vast garden full of greenery and flowers is just like Central Park in New York City. In addition, about 65 kinds of 1,100 cherry trees are planted in the area and you can enjoy cherry blossoms for a long period from February to late April.
A historic town that developed as a temple city. Hilly terrain is the distinctive feature of the city. When entering a narrow alley, the tone of Shamisen can be relished.
Shinjuku’s iconic shopping street is located at the east exit of Shinjuku Station. Especially, Moa 4th Avenue is paved with granite and an open cafe is also set up regularly. Around 38,000 people (8a.m. – 8 p.m.) on weekdays, and around 60 thousand people on holidays passes by the street length of about 100 meters.
Shinjuku is famous for its building image, but there are many unique lanes called Yokocho – “narrow streets packed with izakayas, bars”, where the atmosphere of Japan’s Showa era is still remained intensely.
SHINJUKU Did you know?
超高層のビル群(西新宿)からみどり濃い住宅地(落合、内藤町など)、 世界最大級の繁華街(歌舞伎町)、駅周辺の商業地(新宿東口、西口、南口)、地域の風情ある商店街(荒木町など)、江戸の歴史を感じさせる路地(神楽坂)、アジアの異国情緒あふれる通り(大久保)等、個性的で多様な景色がたくさんあります。
2022年度には「新宿ミラノ座(新宿 TOKYU MILANO)」があった場所に、新たにシネマコンプレックスが出現する予定です。