Learning Japanese Culture

Ikebana (Flower Arranging)

Photo_IkebanaJapanese flower arranging is widely practiced and there are many local groups. Different schools exist within the field, and many offer information, classes and certification in English.


Ohara School of Ikebana offers ikebana lessons in English for both travelers and residents alike.
Feel the beauty of the seasons of Japan through Ohara Ikebana. Reservation required in advance.
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Origami (Paper Folding)

Photo_OrigamiOrigami has spread around the world as a cultural activity, but being in the home of Origami provides you the opportunity to see and learn from true masters.

(original photo by Tokyoni; Public Domain)


Nihon Buyo (Japanese dance)

A traditional performing art, Nihon Buyo is the term for a form of Japanese dance which has its roots in kabuki theatre. Movements are highly stylised and resemble mime, and are performed to music which incorporates shamisen, koto and vocals.

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