Fast and convenient online visa application

AIRVISA is an online service that covers the whole process of visa renewal, from
application through to getting your residence card. Complete your application error-free and
without all the usual hassle. With a specialist on hand to review your application and a chat
support feature, AIRVISA will help you through a stress-free application process, even if it's
your first time. Renew your visa for only ¥9,800 (¥10,380 inc. tax)! (Includes application fee
and postage for your residence card)

AIRVISA handles your application in four simple steps:
Step 1: Create an account on their website. Follow the on-screen instructions and enter the
necessary information. Upload images of your current residence card and passport, along
with a face picture.
Step 2: Enter the email address of your employer and they will receive an email prompt to
provide the necessary information about your company.
Step 3: Once the information required from both you and your company has been provided,
press the “Application request” button. A specialist will review your application, then it will
be submitted to the immigration office.
Step 4: You will receive a notification of the result of your application by email. If your
application was successful, you can use the kit AIRVISA will send you to return your old
residence card. Your new residence card will be delivered to your home.

AIRVISA currently handles applications for renewal of the "Engineer/Specialist in
Humanities/International Services" residence status, but has plans to add other residence
statuses and procedures in the future. Register your email address on the AIRVISA website
and a member of staff will be in touch once the relevant service becomes available.

Click here for details!

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